Alaska Elite Outfitters

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When Alaska Brown Bear Hunting with Alaska Elite Outfitters in the Bristol Bay area you will be provided a top quality Brown Bear hunt. We use many different hunting methods to harvest Brown Bears. By taking a limited # of moose hunters into our vast area, we keep the Moose hunting quality high. Alaska Elite Outfitters efficiently use jet boats for hunting the Trophy Bull Moose in our area. Thus traveling from calling area to calling area is comfortable and practical. Together with, Cow calling, bull grunts, and brush thrashing being the primary methods of getting big bulls within gun & bow range.

Alaska Elite Outfitters (A.E.O) provides you the fantastic opportunity to fish on the famous Nushagak River for the most massive Alaska King (Chinook) Salmon run in the world. A known fact, the Nushagak River is home to the best; also the biggest King Salmon run in Alaska with over 100,000 King Salmon returning annually to spawn.
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